Jumat, 11 November 2011

NCDs Versus BC2C Transporter! (Will it be a fair fighting to win the battle?) By: Mr. Yin cognito

                It’s just a kind of meta analysis about a possibility of choices of NCDs medication. Due to confidential information protection, it wouldn’t fulfill all requirement of meta analysis writing standard, yet. This research uses “in vivo” experiment under philosophy “my body is my lab” of a very safe and spectacular phytomedicine formula in controlling and curing the four of four NCDs. The scientific evidence of this phytomedicine formula which under the tittle is “BC2C Transporter” (Transporter Brings vitamin C To Cell) may be analogized to the pharmacyte (Freitas, 2006/2007) the nanorobot transporter in nanomedicine concept, except BC2C no needs computer and professional skill to apply it and no harmfull waste. The “phytomedicine formula’s” technology in obtaining the medicine uses bio extraction technology. The medicine fulfills all requirement of interventions in diabetes (according to Diabetes Coalition of  California,2002) as: effective, widely available, cost-beneficial, safe, and easy to follow. But, this medicine will need adding the “very” word in front of those requirements. It means as “very” effective, “very” widely available, “very” cost-beneficial, “very” safe, and “very” easy to follow, and no age and gender limitations.     

*The real author has no professional qualification any where in medical and health care or research practices, but The God gives His Blessing to him with an amazing medication for human earth healthier life, (Proud is the God Shawl and void of the author).


Freitas wrote (2006),“an ideal nanotechnology-based drug delivery system is a pharmacyte - a self-powered, computer controlled medical nanorobot system capable of digitally precise transport, timing, and targeted delivery of pharmaceutical agents to specific cellular and intracellular destinations within the human body – …. In the relatively near term, over the next 5 years, prenanorobotic nanomedicine can address many important medical problems by using nanoscale-structured materials and basic nanodevices for drug delivery that can already be manufactured today….The greatest power of nanomedicine will emerge, perhaps in the 2020s, when we can design and construct complete artificial medical nanorobots using rigid diamondoid nanometer-scale parts such as molecular gears and bearings. It’s a solely true that he insisted our dreams about medication and healing processes of our body from all diseases. Then, according to Freitas (2007) :”Scientists are striving to create therapies that rebuild or replace damaged cells with tissues grown from stem cells  and offer hope to people suffering from cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, spinal-cord injuries, and many other disorders”. So, the next episode of our dream will be resetting the DNA especially our defected or aging body to our cheerful teens year old (mediated by chromallocyte;Freitas.2007).Wow! What amazing it is!
But, what’s about today or next ten years? At least, as the IDF President, Professor Jean Claude Mbanya’s outraged in thinking about the epidemic of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which killing 36 millions people every year. 366 millions + 280 (high risk) millions people which are now associated with diabetes will increase as prediction as 552 millions + 398 millions (high risk) by 2030 if nothing to be done (IDF, 2011).
The epidemic it self means that NCDs have gone beyond the intolerable level. What ever we want to say or whoever want to argue, it would not change the real situation as IDF (2011) stated that no country and no sector is immune, yet. Therefore every one has to being fairly open minded in probing every way to make a better change. We’re living in the transformation era, now. We’re fighting endeavor to change the “Impossible” to be “I’mpossible”. It means that we have to ponder every problem in it’s own dimension and not in others to find out the solution. What ever of the knowledge and technology or where ever they come from, as long as it could be proven most effective and efficacy, scientifically proven and proper to humankind ethic. It must be taken in the first place of our solving priorities.
My wholly aim is to steal a very little time and a very little space in every one’s heart explaining my idea about the possibility of NCDs medication which I have invented. Because I am not a professional in medics or health care, even I have no high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and so on, to present a sophisticated work, but I can give a best result, any way. Therefore, I have to use a transformer jumping over a black box contains “today’s medical sciences and technologies in health cares”, to keep my work running and landing it at whatever law or protocol of today’s medicine or medics standards. (I insisted the title with “Will it be a fair fighting to win the battle?” without supporting and sharing of world wide. So, it is not about me or professional quality of my work anymore! But about awareness of world wide human).

My Health History

I am 45 years old married man with two sons and one daughter. My aunt is the first one of my family who clinically have checked out her diabetic disease when she was almost 50 years old, but she rejected to have hospitalized treatment (In my family tell story, there was my ancient whose his finger released against his sworn about his betrayal and I saw my self, my grandma scratched out all of her body without  any cause, It is all about my diabetic heredity!). Then, my beloved mama, she often got diabetic treatment from some hospitals in 3 neighborhood towns. Her glucose blood level had ever reached  600 mg/dl. (local hospital measured) She died at 70 years old. My father died at 77 years old (3 years since my Mom death) after having long time hypertension then a  fatal heart disease attacked, like his father and his step brother (they had different mothers). I still remember when 5 years old, after having a heavy sugar snack, suddenly my tongue got bigger and bigger. Until my invention, there are some diabetic symptoms after I overeat sugar. (For me, a glass of sweet milk/ coffee containing a one and half of table spoon sugar; and enjoyed with a piece of sweet chocolate poured  bread snack after main food, could be an “overeating sugar”). Those are; my lips getting suddenly little swollen,   my semen flows without “any hot dream” in my sleeping, longer healing for bleeding injuries, It takes longer time to sweat if I do a hard physical work or sport and I feel itching when my body begins sweating then my sweat will flow out like a heavy rain until I am getting very tired, Allergic symptom began to show at my twenties years old in concomitant when I began knowing alcohol drink. My young fellows met on Saturday night, then we woke up until dawn having alcohol drink. But it just once a week and we were not addict. I stopped drinking alcohol totally around my age 25 years old when I realized that just alcohol drink could make my headache and unfitted stamina disappeared. Then, I begin using tonic syrup to cure as my anemia symptom coming to show up.
My allergic against ashes, powders, or dirties fly, it makes me sneezing tens times continuously or may be more than a hundred times a day. Really, It’s the sign of my anemia symptom to attack. If the sneezing does not stop in long enough time it means the anemia going to be more severe. At poorest condition, my right side head felt very hurt and my right eye as if it would be removed out.  Around my thirty years old, this anemia attack became like a migraine disease. At the most severe attack, I just could see a half of one’s face around 1 meter in front of me in daylight and the other half so dark, I could not see it. I usually cured that anti sneezing with one or two sachet of ginseng supplement drink or a small piece (my thumb size) of pure raw ginseng. They started work stopping my sneezing after 2 hours effectively.
Then, in 2004 I knew my diabetic when a friend of me (a candidate of interne specialized doctor) treated my mama in hospital. He insisted to me that he suspected me having diabetic too. He advised me to check it out but I did not care. We had known about the hereditary factors of disease since in senior high school.
I am so scare to check out my diabetic to hospital or physician, especially pondering the diabetic  sequelae’s diseases. I have rejected to believe that my body is a cage of crowded diseases.. Beside, I have bad habits over 25 years of my life until now; smoking a pack of cigarette and  drinking 2 or 3 glasses of sweet coffee a day…alas..my diabetic!
After 40 years old,  my healthy getting poorer. Gout had begun attacking me, especially in the colder night. My body could hold steady against the cool air indeed, but if I took a bath, my body got uncontrollable shaking (bad quivering) against feeling very cold instead of it’s just 4 or 5 PM sunny sky. Sometime my eyes blurred and my mind feeling heavier and forgot the name of something that I always knew it. Then, I used reading glasses to my eyes. And  I blamed it to my cataract beside the diabetic, any way!
 In November 2010, After I had overeated (greedy) traditional fried chip peanut snacks my feces contained blood but I didn’t know it before, I‘ve got a diarrhea during those 3 days. I just knew licking my sweat  without salt taste. It felt just like a common drinking water. Then, I knew the bleeding  3 days after first overeating when my diarrhea started healing. It was never happened to me before. It’s made me panic totally and feeling very tired and hopeless. Frankly, in that day, I prayed to The God that if He has evaluated my life useless, I want Him taking my life off. But He Wishes the other…I felt He guiding me to find out the medicine in curing that disease. As if He taught me that “disease” and “decease” are very different words even though they almost heard the same. The “decease” is The God territory and authority absolutely but the “disease” is our world to overcome it. And in that day I found the pre-medicine. My defecation process to bring out my feces stopped during 3 days, then I healed and got normal defecation.
About 3 months after that time, having stabile and normal health I tested to eat the traditional fried chip peanut snacks again but just one piece and no more. And in that day  as soon as my blood feces coming. I tried my medicine formula and it worked successfully like the first time. Then I took my normal life in 3 days and out of distressed.
I have developed my medicine and amazingly, then I invented the best formula. My medicine can differentiate the antioxidant qualities and harmful features. As I find my self when I intake a piece of 200 iu vitamin E (it’s said natural) supplement alone, my blood feces coming in that day defecation. I applied my med successfully, again. A week later when I mix vitamin E with my formula, my bleeding feces do not come but my defecation process stop during 2 days ( the latest, with three times experimentation).Then, I don’t want to play with vitamin E supplement anymore. So, I concluded and warned that vitamin E supplement (only the supplement intake) is harmful to diabetic patient whom having  internal hemorrhagic experience or at least as I have experienced it. It’s a fool for any physician, researcher to test it in vivo  if not having best quality medicine like me. It could be a fatal experiment, any way.
The best antioxidant for diabetic is vitamin C. I won’t tell the vitamin C qualities based on it sources here, but my medicine can differentiate it at all and I know which one is the best quality. I have experimented most types of vitamin C supplement intake which sold to end user in my town..
BC2C Transporter
                I gave this name as in it self. BC2C stands for Brings vitamin C to Cell. The basic composition originates from pure organic plants. Actually, I have experimented the pure medication with three kinds of antioxidants. Those are; folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin C supplements. Generally, the pure medication make those antioxidants more efficacy and efficient. More efficacy means the requirement standard of each antioxidant becomes lower compared as it’s recommended. Example, I used a tablet of vitamin E 200 IU and mixed with the pure medicine. As measurement device I used the clearer looking of my eyes; my cataract waste at the corner of my eyes (fatty like); and the condition of my breath after smoking 3 pieces of my cigarettes continuously. It just the same as I intake.the whole mixture per day or just one third per day of the mixture and these mixture effects delay my defecation during two days, exactly but no bleeding. These mixture effect positively to my eyes and cataract. But, my medication inhaler effect to breath or lung is very strong and could ignore the vitamin E supplement effect at all.
                The mixture with folic acid alone gave negative effects (with lower dosage), those are headache (dizzy) and my kidneys (right and left) felt light paint than I consumed nothing. This effects made I left the folic acid supplement behind too.The producer’s dosage, a tablet of 400 mcg folic acid /d for adult  I mixed my med with a tablet folic acid and I divided into 3 parts. I took intaking a part (capsule size) per day. The headache disturbed my daily activities especially my concentration as such..
                Even, I added vitamin C to each of vitamin E mixture or folic acid mixture and it just gave lighter effect than before. And the size of each mixture about a capsule size. I used the higher qualified of those antioxidants as it’s prices (It’s very expensive as it’s measured with my pocket). I gave the rest of those antioxidant supplements to my wife and no effect to her except more healthy and refreshed. For her, folic acid effect to headache lighter than her menstruation cycle coming. So, she ignores it.
                The best mixture of my medicine is added with vitamin C in which pondering my diabetic. There is a 25 mg per tablet of local & very cheaper product. Vitamin C producer’s dosage as 2 – 4 tablets, three times a day for adult. I poured 4-8 tablets of that vitamin C and the mixture divided into capsule size. I intake it (a capsule size per day) during about 2 months period and  sometime I emptied intaking the medicine for a day or two to check out its constant effect. So, I conclude the effects as below :
-          My recurrence sneezing stops in ten minutes.
-          Inhaler effect to my lungs and it’s very comfortable (cool).
-          My eyes brighter and thinner to my cataract layer
-          My gout disease disappears in a week and never comeback until now.
-          Heart pulse very stable.
-          No hypertension or hypotension symptom
-          My stamina fitter than healthy condition before including sexually.
-          Thicker skin at the back of my feet disappeared.
-          Thicker skin (growth) like a swollen at the bottom of my left foot disappeared.
-          Thicker skin (growth) like a swollen at the bottom of my left foot  disappeared while at my right foot being smaller and thinner.
Those thicker and growth skins due to wearing hard leather shoes even though I always use the shocks .
-          My teeth clearer and more white than it caused of over 20 years smoking especially at inner sides.
-          My teeth stronger and I could masticate smaller rock ices like my kids.
-          My body healing response to bleeding injury normal.
-          I can take a bath at 3 AM night, normally.
-          My sweat normal.
-          Kidneys and stomach very normal and comfortable.
-          Fully diabetic controllable (no symptom).
-          My mind lighter and brighter as my 20 years age.
-          My skin brighter and smoother than before.
-          My hairs stronger and healthier.
-          Urinary and defecation processes very normal.
Based on above my medication effects to my healthy and body as a whole. I hereby declare and claim that my medication is a transporter to human body cells directly besides as a medication. So, its name BC2C Transporter.
I want to focus to my diabetic. As the matter of facts I got my diabetic from hereditary factor, it couldn’t be vanished as long as I life. But absolutely it could be controlled and  hidden at all and I can run my life like I was in teens years age. I recognize that diabetes disease is the gate for sequelae diseases. The latest could be vanished if the diabetic recurrence avoided or controllable. BC2C Transporter Medicine gives fully supporting to control it. As I emptied or stopped consuming my medication for two days, I ate fatty sup and regular meals (lunch and dinner) and having 2 pieces (about 100 mg/pc) sweet chocolate bread and three times of a cup coffee mix ( It is my “overeating sugar”) and no swollen of my lips but my unreasonable semen flowed out in that night. So, the diabetic symptom was seeing me again. But as I intake my medicine on next day, I fully healed as soon as possible.
As I fully guarantee to the organic composition of BC2C Transporter, any negative effect must come from the vitamin C compound not from the my pure medicine. The guaranty also covers that BC2C has no age and gender limitation intake. Because I have grown the plants in pure organic farming system. I just give organic wastes which come from our food to the plants for fertilizing the soil like the water which after used to clean the cooking rice.
Based on above explanation,  BC2C Transporter is ready to land at every protocol or law of medicine, medics, healthcare standards as “very” effective, “very” widely available, “very” cost-beneficial, “very”safe, and “very”easy to follow of a pure phytomedicine. BC2C will rise and wave proudly the  flag for winner spirit in the battle against NCDs, which supported by world wide sharing and business.
Finally, I admit that I am so grateful to all experts & scientists whom providing their works in the internet especially about; blood cells and circulation, cells and sterm cells, respiratory, excrecy and secrecy systems, defense system, nervous system, vital organs of human body; antioxidants; recent and sophisticated technology, etc and especially to IDF. I realize that without those knowledges, I don’t know where is the space for BC2C Transporter Medicine. So, I am ready for any negotiation and this writing is true and full of my responsibility as the real author (whom undercover as Mr. Yin cognito).
Freitas, Robert A. Jr, 2006, Pharmacytes: An Ideal Vehicle for Targeted Drug Delivery, American Scientific Publisher Journal.
Freitas, Robert A..Jr, 2007, The Ideal Gene Delivery Vector: Chromallocytes, Cell Repair Nanorobots for Chromosome Replacement Therapy  Journal of Evolution and Technology ,  Vol. 16
Diabetes Coalition of California (2002)
Global Diabetes Plan-2011-2021, IDF (2011)

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